
Wolf Society is not a bank, securities firm, financial institution, DLT trading facility, financial service provider or provider of similar services and it, its employees and/or officers do not provide investment or financial advice, tax or legal advice, financial services or consulting services to users of the GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM and the GOOD tokens.

To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, regulations and rules, Wolf Society, any entities of Wolf Society and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including but not limited to loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data), arising out of or in connection with any acceptance of or reliance on this whitepaper or any part thereof by you whether or not Wolf Society has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Such limitation of liability also applies to your use of GOOD tokens and/or the GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM as well as any other platform run by Wolf Society. Any entities of Wolf Society and officers and employees thereof shall not be liable for your loss of GOOD after it is transferred to you by any reason including but not limited to your failure to maintain or backup an accurate record of your password or password cracking by a third party.

The limitations of liability contained herein will not apply to damages caused by fraud, gross negligence, or willful misconduct of Wolf Society or to the extent such limitations are precluded by applicable law (in which case Wolf Society’s liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by such law).

The GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM, the services provided on it, the GOOD tokens shall be provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, with all faults, and Wolf Society expressly disclaims all warranties, representations, and conditions of any kind arising from or related to your use thereof, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You acknowledge that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all risk of use of thereof rests entirely with you.

You acknowledge and understand that third-party services are integrated into the GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM. Wolf Society is not liable, and you agree not to seek to hold Wolf Society liable, for the performance and/or conduct of third parties on or accessed via the GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM. The risk of damage, loss or injury from use of such third party services rests entirely with you. You further acknowledge and understand that your use of such third-party services shall be governed by the terms of service of such third parties. Regulatory authorities are carefully scrutinizing businesses and operations associated to Crypto Tokens in the world. In that respect, regulatory measures, investigations or actions may impact Wolf Society's business and may limit or prevent it from developing its operations in the future. Any person undertaking to acquire GOOD tokens must be aware that Wolf Society’s business model or GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM and its existing platforms may change or need to be modified because of new regulatory and compliance requirements from any applicable laws in any jurisdictions. This may include geographical limitations on use or IP blocking, excluding your region from using or accessing GOOD tokens or GOOD MARKETPLACE PLATFORM. In such case, purchasers and any person undertaking to acquire GOOD tokens acknowledge and understand that neither Wolf Society nor any of its affiliate shall be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damages caused by such changes.

This whitepaper and any other materials or explanations made by Wolf Society and its officers and employees shall not and cannot be considered as an invitation to enter into an investment. They do not constitute or relate in any way nor should they be considered as an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. This whitepaper does not include nor contain any information or indication that might be considered as a recommendation or that might be used as a basis for any investment decision. If any disclaimer or limitation is deemed invalid, unenforceable or ineffective by applicable law, such disclaimer or limitation shall be deemed modified to apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

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